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* daily rates, based on weekly rentals. please check availability, prices may have changed without notice.

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  • unlimited mileage!
  • fire>local and part time work from home jobs london)
  • all taxes (local, airport and vat)
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  • 1 additional driver
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universal-rent-a-car home > accommodation > exclusive accommodation: mythos suites
all studios apartments and villas include:electricity, water, fully equipped kitchen or kitchen corner, private bathroom, bed-linen change 2-3 times per week.
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it is a 16th century manor house, located in the center of the rethymnon old town. it has ten exclusive suites accommodating from two to five persons, equipped with air conditioning, tv, telephone, music, safety box, kitchenette and private bathroom, balcony or terrace. suites for 2 people are open plan and the maisonettes for 4-5 persons are built in 2 levels. in the complex there is a fresh water swimming pool, reception, bar, breakfast area and terrace.


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