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universal-rent-a-car home > accommodation > aghia pelagia/lygaria: fodele beach
fodele beach ****fodele beach
  • location: fodele beach hotel is situated just before fodele village (birthplace of the famous painter
    theotokopoulos also known as el greco), 20 klm from heraklion on a wooded hill sloping gently down the sea with a private sandy beach, offering a spectacular view.
  • services:conference room for 400 pax, meeting room for 100 pax, lobby, t.v. room play room, mini market, jewellery shop, hairdressing salon, car rental.
  • activities: sandy beach with water sports, diving school, 2 swimming pools plus childrens pool, children's playground, 3 tennis courts, mini golf, gym room, sauna, medical care.
  • entertainment: rich animation daily program, night shows - events, cretan folklore evenings, beach party, disco-dancing evenings, children's programs , bbq and lobster evenings.
  • restaurants and bars: main restaurant (amadeus) , snack self service (margherita) , grill restaurant (ambrosia) , cocktail bar (belvedere) , beach bar (nautilus) , pool & animation bar (star light) , cretan kafenion (anogia) , disco (crazy dolfins)
  • rooms:340 rooms furnished with style, all sea or garden view, direct telephone, central heating/air conditioning, refrigerator, private bathroom, hair dryer, radio,
    color satellite tv, safebox, balcony or terrace

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part time remote jobs vancouver wa

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