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part time jobs from home with benefits

in addition to the general terms and conditions the following apply at your selected destination:

payment methods
  • the following credit cards are accepted: master/ eurocard, visa, eurocard. a valid credit card in the name of the main driver must be presented as guarantee for the rental. please note that all payments locally will be in euro
driver requirement
  • minimum age of driver is 23 years.
  • maximum age of driver is 75 years.
  • driver's licence: driver must have held a valid driver's licence for at least 1 year.
  • international driver's licence is required for non eu citizens
included free options and services
  • first additional driver.
  • first baby seat. (must be ordered).
  • unlimited mileage.
  • vat.  
  • asc: airport service charge where applicable.
  • 24 hour roadside assistance with vehicle substitution (if needed) in case of accident/damage to the car.
insurance types included in the rates
  • third party bodily injuries per accident, up to 500000 euro
  • third party property damages per accident (excluding rented car) up to 100000 euro
  • part time jobs from home with benefits (personal accident insurance for passengers)
  • part time jobs from home with benefits with no excess/deductible.
  • part time jobs from home with benefits (collision damage waiver): customer is fully relieved from the responsibility for any damage. the vehicles are subject to liability and fully comprehensive automobile and property damage insurance . there will be no coverage in cases of:
    • intentional actions by the client (e.g. attempt at insurance fraud)
    • gross negligence (e.g. while intoxicated [alcohol, drugs/narcotics])or on unauthorized roads, driving to prohibited areas/countries
  • part time jobs from home with benefits (full collision damage waiver). this a type of protection which can help reduce your responibility for damage to the vehicle in case of an accident. it is provided as a free service by universal and it is designed to bring your cdw deductible/excess down to only 300 euros in this location. should the renter wish to reduce the excess/deductible to (0) euros then he/she can do so by paying a small additional daily fee(3 euros) locally to the car rental partner who provides the rental vehicle. this option may not be available in all locations, please note that fcdw does not cover damages caused intentionally or as the result of negligence or oversight.
  • part time jobs from home with benefits with no excess.
optional insurances
  • at this destination the car rental company might charge you for damages caused by you, up to the excess amount of 300euros.
  • should the renter wish to reduce the excess/deductible to (0) euros then he/she can do so by paying a small additional daily fee(3 euros) locally to the car rental partner who provides the rental vehicle.
exceptions to fcdw (full collision damage waiver)
  • charges for any of the damages below will be charged directly to the client, the most important are the following: antenna, trays, damage to car lock , loss or damage to keys , windshield wipers, mirrors, spare key and car jack, hubcap, gas cap, warning triangles, damage to the upholstery of the car, extreme dirtiness in and out the car, underside damage, damage due to negligence, tire punctures and burst tires, fuel errors, damage to child seats and baby seats, lack of electricity because of forgotten turn on electrical devices, the car rental company, in any case, is not obligated in replacing a flat tyre or damages in radio. some car rental companies will offer extra insurances to cover the above exclusions.
    damage caused by drunk driving or negligent driving will never be excluded from the client's direct responsibilities.
    part time jobs from home with benefits
fuel policy

please check with the car rental partner providing your vechicle for fuel policies. the following policies may apply depending on your destination:

  • the car is delivered with a full tank of petrol and you will return it with a full tank of petrol.
  • the car is delivered with a partial tank of gas and you will return it the same way.
  • the car is delivered with a full tank of petrol and you may return it empty paying for the cost of used petrol locally to the rental car provider.
  • the car is delivered with a half tank of petrol and you return it the same way paying the cost of used fuel locally to the rental car provider.
part time jobs from home with benefits
out of hours delivery
  • any additional charges for out of operating hours vehicle delivery will show during the booking procedure.
out of hours drop-off
  • any additional charges for out of operating hours vehicle return will show during the booking procedure.
national one-way rentals
  • any additional cost for domestic one way rentals will appear during the booking procedure.
international one-way rentals
  • any additional cost for international one way rentals will appear during the booking procedure.
ferrying the car
  • ferrying the rental vehicle is normally not permitted. however you may check with the local car rental provider for possible exceptions to this policy.
across the border rentals
  • across the border rentals are not permitted
part time jobs from home with benefits
great cars. legendary prices.
weekend specials

part time jobs from home with benefits

get the best deal on your next car rental. find out how to make the best of your vacation and your car rental experience. read more...

part time jobs from home with benefits

  • unlimited mileage!
  • fire insurance
  • 24 hour road service
  • theft insurance
  • cdw (collision damage waiver)
  • third party insurance
  • pai personal accident insurance
  • fcdw (full collision damage waiver. see local and general terms & conditions)
  • all taxes (local, airport and vat)
  • free asc (airport service charge)
  • 1 additional driver
  • 1 child/baby seat (on request)
  • road map

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