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Chuva forte causa alagamentos na Grande SP

O Corpo de Bombeiros de?? S�o Paulo encontrou na manh� deste domingo (24) o corpo de uma mulher que foi arrastada pela chuva do dia?? anterior no bairro de Itaquera, Zona Leste de S�o Paulo.

A mulher estava desaparecida desde as 18h deste s�bado (23), ap�s?? o temporal que atingiu a Travessa dos Minist�rio e v�rios bairros da cidade. A chuva transbordou c�rregos e causou alagamentos.?? A Zona Leste foi uma das regi�es mais atingidas.

Segundo os bombeiros, o corpo dela foi encontrado no Rio Tiet�, embaixo?? da Ponte do Tatuap�. Pelas redes sociais, a corpora��o lamentou o falecimento da mulher.

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Temporal de s�bado

Uma forte chuva causou transtornos na cidade de S�o?? Paulo, no come�o da noite deste s�bado (23). Segundo o Centro de Gerenciamento de Emerg�ncias (CGE), at� as 19h, a?? cidade tinha 23 pontos de alagamentos.

Segundo meteorologistas ouvidos pela TV Globo, a chuva, que era esperada, foi um reflexo da?? combina��o de calor e umidade deste s�bado. Os estados de aten��o e alerta terminaram �s 18h45.

Vista de ponto de alagamento?? na Ipanema, no bairro da Mooca, zona leste de S�o Paulo, ap�s o temporal que atingiu a cidade na tarde?? deste s�bado (23). �
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A Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos (CPTM) informou que os trechos entre?? as esta��es Br�s e Prefeito Saladino da Linha 10-Turquesa, e entre as esta��es Br�s e Tatuap� da Linha 11-Coral, foram?? interrompidos por conta de alagamentos na via, e foram normalizados.

Houve rajadas de vento, e a mais forte, de at� 50?? km/h, foi registrada na regi�o da Cidade Ademar, na Zona Sul, por volta das 16h30.

Temporal faz rio transbordar e carro?? boia na Avenida Aricanduva, na Zona Leste de SP �
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No?? Centro, na S�, a Rua Mau�, por volta das 17h, ficou interditada com um ponto intransit�vel, no sentido Ipiranga.

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Linha f�rrea alagada na esta��o Br�s, na Linha 10-Turquesa da CPTM?? �
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A TV Globo registrou que um �nibus e um carro ficaram ilhados na regi�o da Avenida Aricanduva,?? na Zona Leste.

Ainda na Zona Leste, a Rua Padre Viegas de Menezes, em Itaquera, ficou fechada nos dois sentidos. Na?? Mooca, a Avenida Alc�ntara Machado ficou totalmente intransit�vel.

J� na Zona Sul, �rea de Santo Amaro, as avenidas Interlagos e das?? Na��es Unidas tiveram pontos de alagamento.

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Chamados nos bombeiros

De acordo com o Corpo de Bombeiros, na Grande S�o Paulo, at� as 18h30, houve 54 chamados para?? quedas de �rvores, oito para desabamentos e 156 para enchentes/alagamentos.

Por volta das 18h, a equipe foi chamada para a Travessa?? dos Mist�rios, em Itaquera, quando uma pessoa desapareceu na �gua ao ser levada pela enchente. Uma equipe faz buscas.

Queda de?? �rvore na Av Ang�lica, Centro de SP, ap�s temporal �
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: Reprodu��o/TV Globo

No Iguatemi, na Zona Leste, na Avenida Bento?? Guelfi, uma pessoa teria ca�do na �gua depois de ficar apoiada sobre um objeto. A equipe foi ao local e?? n�o encontrou v�tima. A ocorr�ncia foi encerrada.

Em Diadema, na Grande S�o Paulo, uma loja de roupas foi invadida pela �gua.?? Vendedores e clientes tiveram de esperar o temporal passar (veja abaixo)

Previs�o em SP

O CGE informa que as instabilidades seguem avan�ando?? do interior do estado em dire��o � cidade de S�o Paulo. O tempo segue inst�vel nas pr�ximas horas com probabilidade?? de rajadas de vento e queda de granizo.

Neste domingo (24), v�spera de Natal, as condi��es atmosf�ricas se repetem. O dia?? inicia com temperatura m�dia de 20�C e c�u com poucas nuvens, o que favorece a r�pida eleva��o das temperaturas.

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"A m�xima atinge os 31�C nas horas?? mais quentes do dia, com percentuais m�nimos de umidade ao redor dos 43%. As pancadas de chuva ocorrem de forma?? isolada desde o in�cio da tarde com intensidade moderada a forte em alguns momentos, elevando o potencial para a forma��o?? de alagamentos. Entretanto, nas horas pr�ximas � ceia de Natal, n�o h� previs�o de chuva significativa, apenas aumento da nebulosidade."

Na?? segunda-feira (25), Dia de Natal, o cen�rio atmosf�rico permanece inst�vel e com condi��es para temporais no decorrer do dia. Temperatura?? m�nima de 20�C na madrugada e no per�odo da tarde a m�xima chega facilmente aos 31�C. Os �ndices de umidade?? do ar seguem bastante elevados e apresentam valores m�nimos na casa dos 45%.

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    Explanation of Three-bet

    Bets in poker can be assigned numbers to show where they fall

    within a sequence of bets.

    One-bet �?? The first bet in a sequence

    Two-bet � The first

    raise in a sequence

    Three-bet � The first re-raise in a sequence

    Four-bet?? � The second

    re-raise in a sequence

    Five-bet � The third re-raise in a sequence

    Note that the first

    open-raise preflop in?? Hold�em and Omaha is referred to as a �2-bet� because the

    mandatory blind payments are considered as the first bet?? of the sequence. This can

    cause some confusion amongst novice players. It�s common for a postflop 2bet (the first

    raise)?? to be mistakenly referred to as a �3bet�.

    Watch Kara Scott Interview with Martin

    Jacobson on 3 betting:

    Example of Three-bet used?? in a sentence -> Our opponent

    open-raised on the button and we three-bet from the big blind.

    How to Use Three-bet?? as

    Part of Your Poker Strategy

    3bets happen routinely both preflop and postflop in the

    majority of poker variants. Postflop 3bets?? are a little less common since they are

    often heavily indicative of strength.

    For example, in No Limit Hold�em and Pot?? Limit

    Omaha, it�s extremely rare for a player to 3bet the flop without holding a strong value

    hand. While some?? 3bets should be a bluff according to poker theory, many players only

    ever three-bet postflop for value.

    The preflop betting rounds?? are a slightly different

    ball-game, since even the average recreational player has often been exposed to the

    idea of re-raising?? a preflop open (3betting) as a bluff. While the average player still

    3bets way too tight of a range preflop,?? the line is less indicative of strength than a

    postflop 3bet. As a rough guide, the later the street the?? 3bet occurs, the greater the

    amount of strength that is represented.

    Preflop 3bet Strategies in Hold�em

    Many players

    advocate making use of?? polarized 3betting strategies preflop, although depolarized

    strategies are becoming increasingly popular from a variety of position at the


    Polarized �?? Implies 3betting a selection of strong value hand and a selection of

    semi-bluffs. The semi-bluffs range will typically be comprised?? of speculative holdings

    such as suited connectors and suited-gappers. They don�t have a lot of raw-equity

    preflop but still have?? the potential to make big 5-card holdings by the river. These

    types of speculative 3bets are especially useful when facing?? opponents who fold too

    frequently to preflop 3bets.

    Depolarized � Implies 3betting a range of hands for

    value/thin-value but never semi-bluffing?? preflop. Although the line between

    thin-value/semi-bluff can become blurred at times, a depolarized three-betting range

    won�t typically involve any of?? the lower ranked suited-connectors and gappers such as

    57s. A depolarized 3betting strategy is especially useful when dealing with opponents

    ?? who defend too frequently against 3bets.

    Preflop 3bet Strategies in Omaha

    As we

    increase complexity into a variant by adding additional cards,?? it becomes harder to

    describe strategies as depolarized/polarized. The lines between the different types of

    approaches become blurred. The general?? consensus regarding Omaha 3betting strategy is

    as follows -

    - 3bet the absolute best hands for value. i.e AAJTss, AAKK, AKQJss?? etc


    - 3bet a selection of speculative hands with �smooth� equity, especially rundowns

    such as T987ss

    One might describe this strategy?? as �polarized� (since we are 3betting a

    mixture of value and speculative holdings), but it could also be considered as

    ?? �depolarized� since T987ss just so happens to be one of the best hands in PLO despite

    the fact that it?? doesn�t have as much raw-equity as holdings with bigger cards. Hence,

    the terminology itself loses importance � but the broad?? view generally accepted

    strategy is that advised above.

    What Size Should Our Preflop 3bet Be?

    Opinions vary on

    the best preflop 3bet?? sizing but in most cases it will be somewhere between three times

    and four times the size of the initial?? open raise. For example, if a player open raises

    preflop to 3bb a typical 3bet size might be 10bb.

    What Types?? of Hands Should We 3bet

    Preflop in Hold�em?

    It usually makes sense to 3bet holdings that have some type of

    potential?? to make a big hand postflop. Many players make use of a linear (also known as

    �depolarized�) 3bet range which?? simply means that we 3bet a selection of the strongest

    possible holdings we are dealt preflop. We would only 3bet?? very weak holdings preflop

    if our opponent is folding too much to 3bets.

    Why is a Preflop 3bet Not the Second?? Bet

    in the Sequence?

    It may appear that a preflop 3bet is the second bet (first raise) in

    the sequence rather?? than the the third bet (second raise). The missing link here is

    that the big blind post is counted as?? the first bet in the sequence. An open raise is

    therefore a 2bet (the first raise in the sequence). A?? re-raise when facing an open

    raise preflop is hence referred to as a 3bet because it is considered the third?? bet

    (second raise) in the sequence.

    What Size Should Our Flop 3bet be in Hold�em?

    A flop

    3bet is usually somewhere between?? 2 and 2.5 times the size of the flop 2bet.

    Inexperienced players don�t always realise this and may sometimes make?? flop 3bets which

    are 3 times the size of the 2bet or larger. The error might partly be caused by?? the

    fact that a flop 2bet is usually just over 3 times the size of the initial flop


    What Does?? My Opponent�s Range Look Like When He Calls a 3bet?

    We usually know that

    our opponent doesn�t have the absolute strongest?? holdings (like QQ+, AK) since he may

    have decided to re-raise (4bet) preflop the majority of the time. He also?? won�t usually

    have extremely weak holdings since he would have either folded preflop vs the 3bet or

    not open raised?? in the first place. Our opponent is usually left with a range of

    relatively strong broadway hands, pocket-pairs and mid?? to high suited connectors.




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